Using the Write API

The Write API is a way to programmatically update your Plasmic projects.


The Write API can only be requested if you have a secret token authorization to access the requested project. In the request for the endpoint you should include x-plasmic-api-project-token in the headers. The field has to be set in the following way.

"x-plasmic-api-project-tokens": "PROJECTID:SECRETTOKEN"

Where PROJECTID is the id of the project that you are request, and SECRETTOKEN is a token that will indicate if you are authorized to perform the request.

Secret tokens are currently only available for enterprise customers.

Update projects

You can currently make a few specific types of updates to Plasmic projects.

Called with the POST method at

Note: calling this will cause the project to refresh for anyone who has it open in their browser.

Example body:

"newComponents": [
"name": "MyNewPage", // must be a unique name
"path": "/home", // if set, is a page component
// Same type system as element types used in code components:
"body": {
"type": "hbox",
"children": [
"type": "text",
"value": "Hello world"
"updateComponents": [
// Same as newComponents, but will upsert based on matched component
// name, path, or UUID instead.
"byUuid": "...", // to select by UUID
"name": "...", // to select by name
"path": "..." // to select by path
// ...specify any properties to change
"tokens": [
"name": "...",
"value": "...",
"type": "Color" // "Color"|"Spacing"|"Opacity"|"LineHeight"|"FontFamily"|"FontSize"|"BoxShadow"

Example response includes identifying info about newly created components:

"newComponents": [
"uuid": "...",
"path": "...",
"name": "..."
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