Plasmic projects

When you work in Plasmic, you work on a project. You can share projects, inviting other people as collaborators.

Here are some of the main top-level objects that make up a Plasmic project:

  • Components, or reusable chunks of UI, similar to symbols in Sketch or components in Figma. We describe these in detail below.
  • Pages, or web pages, which have associated URL routes—not to be confused with “pages” from Figma/Sketch.
  • Reusable styles including tokens and style presets. We describe these in detail below.
  • Assets like images and icons.
  • Arenas — A canvas or workspace, analogous to “pages” in Figma/Sketch. This is where artboards are laid out. A project has multiple arenas you can switch between. All arenas in the same project share the same set of components and reusable styles. These are optional, and are for users who are more comfortable with design tools.
  • Artboards — The parts of your arena that house your content. Unlike Figma/Sketch, you can only draw in artboards, not in the space between artboards. An artboard can either be used as a scratch pad, or for editing the master instance of your components. The artboard can also be independently sized (width/height) and placed anywhere in the arena.
  • Branches - These are the different copies of a project for independent streams of work. Learn more about branching.
  • Splits - These are the growth/optimization related features, including A/B tests, custom targets, and scheduled content.
  • Global variants - These are more conditions that can affect how your project appears. Examples are locale, dark mode, etc.

Plasmic projects are also a basic unit of sharing and permissions. Projects are organized into workspaces, under organizations. Learn more about these higher-level structures in the collaboration docs.

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