Editor actions for code components

You can create components with editor action controls that show up in Plasmic Studio.

Editor actions are a type of control that is shown in the right sidebar, alongside your prop controls. Actions aren’t necessarily associated with any single prop, but they can read and update props.

When registering your component, specify your actions in the actions field.

Are editor actions the same as element actions?

No, editor actions are not the same as element actions. Element actions are functions that can be called in your app by interactions. This page is about editor actions, which are controls that show up in Plasmic Studio.


PLASMIC.registerComponent(CodeComponent, {
name: 'CodeComponent',
props: {
children: 'slot'
actions: [
// Creates a button that, on click, will append a new
// image element to the `children` slot of this
// component instance.
type: 'button-action',
label: 'Append new element',
onClick: ({ studioOps }) => {
type: 'img',
src: '',
styles: {
maxWidth: '100%'
type: 'custom-action',
control: ({ studioOps }) => (
// A form that adds a new tab with the given key
const [value, setValue] = React.useState();
return (
onChange={e => setValue(e.target.value)}
placeholder="Tab Key"
<button onClick={() => {
type: "component",
name: "TabPanel",
props: {
tabKey: value
}}>Create new tab</button>

You can find more examples here:

Action types

When creating a editor action, you can choose between one of these available types:

button-actionCreates a single button. The user can click on the button to perform an action.
custom-actionCreates an arbitrary control that can render any React component you supply.

Common option

The only common option you need to specify is the type itself.

typeYesOne of the supported action types

Type-specific options

Some additional options are only relevant to specific types:


labelYesA string that will be the button label.
onClickYesA function that will be passed as the onClick handler of the button. The function will be called with an action props object as its argument.


controlYesThe custom React component that will be rendered on the right panel of Studio. The component will be instantiated with a action props object as its argument.

Action props

The action handlers and custom React component will all take in an “action props” object as argument, which contains these fields:

  • componentProps: The props that are currently configured for this component instance.
  • contextData: The data from setControlContextData() called from within your code component. See prop control functions.
  • studioOps: The provided set of operations that we can perform in the Plasmic studio.

Studio operations

The studioOps object exposes various operations that your editor action can perform in the Plasmic studio. These are:


Show a Fullscreen modal with the content passed to children. It takes an onClose callback, which is fired if the users click outside.

children: <div>This is my modal!</div>,
onClose: () => alert('Thank you for using this modal.')


Refresh the fetched data from @plasmicapp/query for all the artboards in the editor. Useful if your editor action just updated the source data currently being rendered.



Append a new element to a given slot of the component. The element to append should be in the Plasmic element type json format.

appendToSlot(element: PlasmicElement, slotName: string);


Remove the element of a given position from a slot.

removeFromSlotAt(pos: number, slotName: string);


Update a set of non-slot props of the component. The set of props should be in JSON object format.

updateProps(newValues: any);
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