Plasmic CMS

Plasmic CMS

Plasmic has a full built-in CMS, directly integrated into Plasmic’s visual editor, letting you drag and drop structured content directly into your designs.

Whereas Plasmic Studio is for visual layout and design, the CMS is for organizing structured records of data into database tables called models (in CMS terminology). The two work together—so after creating (say) a set of blog posts, testimonials, case studies, or other homogeneous content in the CMS, you can drag and drop this data directly into your pages with arbitrary layout and design.

Some headline features:

  • Drag and drop CMS data into your designs (via the component store)
  • Versioning: full edit and publish history
  • Localization
  • Image and file upload fields
  • Headless API for rendering content anywhere, and API creating/updating content

All organizations, including free-tier organizations, will be able to create and access a CMS database. Developer roles on a team are able to define the model schema, and content creator roles can populate these with the content entries.

For developers

Plasmic CMS is an API-first headless CMS. To integrate with Plasmic CMS, see our Plasmic CMS API documentation.

You can also fork and extend the code components in the component store, if you have more advanced schemas or rendering logic.

Other CMSs

Want to use a third-party CMS? We also have first-class integrations for other leading content stores we’re proud to partner with, such as Wordpress, Contentful, Sanity, Strapi, and more. For the full list, see our data-fetching components page.

Note that there is no special treatment of Plasmic CMS—all data integrations are implemented as normal code components. Plasmic is unopinionated about where your data comes from in order to be a truly open and flexible visual builder.

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